Our services

At our core, A1Insights offers holistic OPEX (Operational Excellence) packages for our clients, either as a complete package from start to finish, or as individual smaller products.

Read about each of the 4 main OPEX milestones as well as all smaller included products below.

1. Initial BI Audit

The first OPEX milestone is an initial BI audit to analyse the Status Quo of your business.

Our goals is to identify where your business currently stands, where you want to go, and what we can do to help you achieve this.

Your business challenges

  • Which KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are relevant for your business?

  • How are these KPIs measured & affected?

  • Where do we currently stand with these KPIs, where would we like to be?

  • By when would we like to reach our new KPI targets?

  • Who are the stakeholders per KPI?

Our solutions

  • BI Analysis of current work streams with recommendations for action.

  • KPI Framework Workshop to identify and build relevant KPIs.

  • BI Analysis to measure current KPI benchmarks.

2. Development of BI environment

After the initial BI audit, where we have established what your new targets and goals are, the goal of step 2 is to build the needed BI environment to properly track your newly set goals.

Your business challenges

  • How do we keep track of our set KPIs and other goals?

Our solutions

  • Development of BI dashboards, spreadsheets and reports to measure targets.

  • Process optimisation - and management to establish new workflows.

3. Iterative optimisation

Now that we’ve identified your new targets and goals, and have built an appropriate BI environment to track said goals, this 3rd step is all about iterative optimisation via regular meetings, check ins and proactive action points, to ensure your business stays on track.

Your business challenges

  • Are we on track to reaching our set goals?

  • What can every level of stakeholder do to improve our performance? 

Our solutions

  • Set up and coordination of OPEX check in meetings as sparring partner and consultant.

  • Update & Management of established dashboards, spreadsheet and reports.

4. Training and Coaching

In order to ensure that your new KPI benchmarks and meeting routines exist long into the future, this last step is about setting up training and coaching sessions where needed to enable your staff to carry on with the management and optimisation of all dashboards, reports, spreadsheets and routines.

Your business challenges

  • How do we ensure that the new standards and practises can be maintained?

Our solutions

  • Spreadsheet Workshops

  • BI tool Workshops